Cancer in Men

Cancer types that affect men
With age comes wisdom. So the proverb goes.

As humanity ages, there is a greater longing to increase its successor’s chances of living a better life and extend their knowledge and capabilities. In the process, he thinks that he can defeat any threat that would mar this ideal image that brings life to beauty and wisdom. However, even with such persistent effort to give life to such an image, perfection is still far from sight. Still, each time earth is examined (as like putting a subject under the lens of a microscope), marks of imperfection are discoverable. Like the life-threatening sickness that continues to affect countless individuals that occupy different parts of the earth.

Of these health concerns, cancer remains the second-leading cause of adult deaths in the U.S according to the American Cancer Society. Reports also show that 1 in 3 women will develop cancer in their lifetime, while 1 in 2 men will develop this life-threatening disease in his lifetime.

What are the five most precarious cancer types that affect men?

A study presented by the American Cancer Society lists the five most dangerous cancers in male, which are as follows:

  • Lung and bronchial cancer. This cancer type causes more deaths in the US than any other type of cancer in both men as well as women. The main cause of lung and bronchial cancer is the use of tobacco products, making it very preventable.
  • Prostate Cancer. This is the second-leading cause of cancer-related death in men, according to the study. Approximately 1 in 6 men in the US will be diagnosed during their lifetime.
  • Colon and rectal cancer. This type of cancer begin as clumps of benign cells, called polyps, and has been reported to be the third most common cancer type in men and women.
  • Pancreatic cancer. As this cancer progresses rapidly, and no method of early detection has been discovered, it is one of the most dangerous types of cancer. The one-year survival rate is 25 percent, and the five-year survival rate sits at only 6 percent. While the cause of pancreatic cancer is still not well understood, obesity and tobacco use are known to increase the risk.
  • Liver and intrahepatic bile duct cancer. Reports reveal that liver cancer occurs more often in men than in women. It commonly affects those with liver damage as a result of alcohol abuse, birth defects or chronic infection accompanying diseases, such as hepatitis C or cirrhosis. The study adds that this type of cancer is not easy to detect as it does not cause symptoms until it is in its later stages.

Cancer may have claimed countless of lives. Still, there are good number of cancer survivors who have testified that there is still hope. Many testifies that this life-threatening disease can still be cured. Those who have passed the initial stages of cancer, are living proofs that early detection of this disease can lead to a probable solution to it. As symptoms may seem to accompany other disease or may be considered to be an indication or indications of another health problem, a health expert’s thorough diagnosis of the accompanying symptoms as well as adapting the lifestyle that a health expert advises are vital for an earlier treatment of the disease.


Cancer symptoms – what are these telling you?

For this reason, a report identifies physical difficulties that one should be aware of. Should any of these symptoms be felt or observed, it is advised that a doctor evaluates the condition for a better understanding of the health concerns:

  • Difficulty in urinating. A frequent need to go, difficulty starting to pee, or a weak stream. This could be caused by an enlarged prostate gland.
  • Changes in the testicles. MD Herbert Lepor, MD, urology chairman at New York University Langone Medical Center points out that testicular cancer can take off rapidly. Any lump, heaviness, or any noticeable change in the testicle, requires immediate attention.
  • Blood in the urine or stool. These can be one the early signs of cancer of the bladder, kidneys, or colon. Although this symptom may not necessarily indicate early signs of cancer, still it is important to find out what is happening with your system.
  • Changes in the skin. An evident change in the size, shape, or color of a mole or other spot/s on your skin should be a cause of concern. Studies indicate that different looking spots on the skin are primary signs of skin cancer.
  • Changes in the lymph nodes. Enlarged lymph nodes in your neck, armpits, and other places, often indicate that your immune system is fighting a sore throat or cold. However, certain cancers can also be the cause of the change. Any swelling that does not get better within two to four weeks requires a doctor’s examination.
  • Difficulty in swallowing. Anyone may have difficulty ingesting from time to time. However, if this problem won’t just go away and causes you to lose weight or vomit, you should consider seeing a doctor for either a throat or stomach cancer.
  • A heartburn that gets worse could also indicate a stomach or throat cancer.
  • Changes in the oral cavity. You should keep watch of any patches inside your mouth or on your lips if you smoke or use tobacco, as these may indicate mouth cancer.
  • Continuously losing weight. Unintended and continuous weight loss is one of the indicators of cancer of the pancreas, stomach, or the lungs.
  • A fever that won’t just go away may indicate that a person has leukemia or another blood cancer.
  • Lumps in the breast. Like any other symptoms, this may mean something else, hence needs to be checked once you find one in any part of your body.
  • Easily exhausted. If you observe that your fatigue is keeping you from being productive, consult with your doctor.
  • A cough is the usual sign of lung cancer. Have your doctor test your mucus if your cough won’t go away after 3 to 4 weeks, to see whether you have an infection. The doctor will ask you to undergo other examination as he deems necessary.
  • An over-extended physical discomfort may signal something else. A health expert can identify the cause of the pain, and suggest the best health options you need to consider to relieve you of the pain.
  • Belly pain and depression. These physical difficulties experienced at the same time may have been triggered by an existing pancreatic cancer, and should cause you to consult a doctor right away.

Cancer does not respect anyone. It does not have a time table. Its symptoms may not always be noticeable. But like any other disease, a healthy lifestyle and regular health examination will ensure that you and your love ones will be free from the threats that it poses.

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