Not Everything You Know About Cancer Is True

Not everything you know about cancer is trueThere is always a mix of emotion when the topic of discussion focuses on certain health problems, especially those that may have caused unnecessary deaths in the family. Cancer is one of them.

On a positive note, people dread it. Such fear becomes the catalyst for change. As they understand the effect of the condition, they try to figure out what would best address the problem. Campaigns for social awareness on the threat that cancer pose to anyone is explored, as well as the possible responses and methods of limiting, even providing possible cure/s to the health condition.

As studies on the subject become more evident, many options are provided to everyone, including those who just want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Every possible source of information and advertisement is taken as a general rule to ensure that any possible cause of cancer is contained or addressed.

There are a number of considered realities that others hold onto until today, that, in fact, are misleading or inaccurate, as more reliable sources of information prove. Here are just a few of them:

1. Cancer is a death sentence. Reliable sources, including that provided by The American Cancer Society (ACS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Cancer Institute (NCI), and North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR) debunks this notion. An annual report by these three collaborators provide us with adequate data indicating that survival rates for some cancers, including breast, prostate, as well as thyroid cancers, now exceed 90 percent. This indicate a significant drop in the number of deaths caused by cancer, proving that having this health condition does not automatically mean that a person’s days are already numbered.

2. Cancer is contagious. No, it is not. There have been reports pointing to the evidence of cancers to be caused by certain virus like the human papillomavirus, or HPV, as well as bacteria like Helicobacter pylori. However, no significant study has been conducted that proves that cancer caused by these virus is transmitted in the process.

3. Cancer can be caused by eating too much sweets. Our cells, either cancerous or otherwise, consume sugar for energy. However, studies show that cancer cells consume more sugar (glucose) than normal cells. This does not mean that by simply reducing or not consuming sugar will stop, if not restrain the cancer cells from multiplying or developing.

4. Shark oil or body parts can cure cancer. Such a misleading information resulted to the slaughter of countless of sharks in the industry for shark cartilage pills that have been sold to cancer patients as they have been considered as a cure for cancer. Studies prove otherwise. This indicates then that shark oil, shark cartilage, shark body parts cannot be used to treat cancer.

5. Cancer-causing substance may be released when microwaving synthetic or semi-synthetic containers and wraps. Always read the label. Only microwavable plastic containers may actually be used when heating or re-heating food wrapped in these containers, a report from the health division of the Harvard Medical School of Harvard University, which also points to an experiment conducted for com reveal.

Whatever your assumption concerning the causes of cancer, it is better to refer to expert opinion rather than rely on hypes.

READ: The Truth about Five of the Most Common Prostate Cancer Myths, Revealed

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