alternative cancer cures

Karin Mallen

Three weeks ago I came to this place with my husband, Jim, full of hope – I was hoping for the pain I lived with since the beginning of June to decrease and my energy level to rise enough to do my daily duties and feel a little better.  Little did I know what to expect.

As soon as we entered the center, I felt surrounded by love, peace, and joy!  The cheerful, caring, and knowledgeable staff encouraged me every morning to have faith and trust in the Divine Power, and made it possible to find the strength to believe again after 3 years of struggle with cancer that the disease can be healed through mind-body and spirit alignment.  In our daily workshops, prayer, body work, and talks, we all learned valuable lessons about changing old, negative habits into a new, positive way of thinking and thereby creating a new, better outlook on life with health and wellness of body and spirit as the ultimate goal.  I am very grateful for the possibility of meeting all the wonderful, beautiful people of the center, making my hopes for less pain and more wellness come true!

Today I am almost totally pain free, my energy level is high enough to do daily chores again, and I feel great – and who knows what good can and will come out of this after a few more weeks/months of home treatment?  Everything is possible, and miracles happen every day!

I found New Hope through the grace of God, and my prayers will be with my fellow patients and all the other people coming to this blessed place of love, peace, joy, and healing.

With all my heart,

Karin Mallen

Thank you, Dr. Branyon, for creating this beautiful place and filling it with your love and expertise!