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What Patients Say About Cancer Treatment at New Hope

Alternative Cancer Treatment Testimonial from Cindy

What is Seminoma?

Living a full, healthy, and happy life — not just surviving — starts with knowing vital information about your disease and the holistic cancer treatments available to you.

Seminoma is a germ cell tumor that develops most commonly in the male testicle, and more rarely, in the mediastinum — a division of the thoracic cavity, which contains the heart, thymus gland, portions of the esophagus and trachea — and other extra-gonadal locations in the body. With a survival rate above 95 percent, this malignant (cancerous) neoplasm is among the most treatable and curable cancers, if detected early.

What are the Subtypes of Seminoma?

The cancer care team here at New Hope Unlimited specializes in a combination of conventional and alternative treatments for the three histologic subtypes of seminoma:

Classic Seminomas

Classic seminomas comprise a monotonous sheet of seminoma cells, large cells containing a clear cytoplasm, and a hyperchromatic nucleus.

Anaplastic Seminomas

Marked nuclear pleomorphism and higher mitotic (cell division) rates than classic seminomas are the distinctive characteristics of anaplastic seminomas.

Spermatocytic Seminomas

Spermatocytic seminomas feature cells that resemble secondary spermatocytes and spermatids. This subtype of seminoma mostly occurs among elderly men, although the prognosis is excellent in most cases.

What are the Signs of Seminoma?

The most common symptoms of seminoma include:

  • A lump or mass in the affected area
  • Testicular atrophy
  • Pain and discomfort
  • Elevated levels of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), a tumor marker
  • Elevated levels of the hormone beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (BhCG)
  • Low back pain, which may signal cancer spreading to the abdominal cavity

What Caused Your Cancer?

The underlying cause of seminoma is unknown. However, a number of scientists are presuming that seminomas arise from an embryonic germ cell leading to testicular intraepithelial neoplasia (the precursor to classical seminoma).

There are two known risk factors for the development of testicular seminomatous germ cell tumors:

  • Increasing age, starting between 30 to 40 years old
  • Cryptorchidism or the absence of one or both testes from the scrotum

How Do Doctors Diagnose Seminoma?

Early detection further establishes the generally positive prognosis for seminoma. A doctor may perform a series of diagnostic tests to produce accurate findings, including but not limited to:

A diagnostician may also conduct the following imaging studies to further evaluate the area of concern:

  • X-rays
  • Computerized tomography (CT) scan
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan
  • Positron emission tomography (PET) scan

If you receive a seminoma diagnosis, the next most critical step is to plan your treatment.

Choose New Hope Unlimited — Your Personalized Cancer Treatment Provider

The main thing that sets New Hope Unlimited apart from most hospitals and cancer treatment centers is our unique, powerful, and less harmful alternatives to conventional medications and therapies. Each highly skilled member of our medical team is dedicated to treating the root cause of seminoma without inflicting substantial side effects that impair your quality of life. You have holistic options and we want you to know about them. Click here to read about our treatment strategy.

Our Approach

Advanced Treatments for SeminomaAdvanced Treatments for Seminoma
Top Alternative Cancer DoctorsTop-Rated Physicians
Individualized Cancer CarePersonal Care
Satisfied Cancer PatientsPatient Satisfaction

Our Patient-Centric Medical Facilities

At New Hope Unlimited, we pride ourselves in providing superior comfort, cleanliness, and cancer care at our 8,000 square foot medical treatment center in San Luis Rio Colorado, Mexico. We worked with renowned architects and contractors to create the ideal space for recovery, which includes state-of-the-art lounge areas and spacious private in-rooms that assure the comfort of our patients and their loved ones.

To make our patients feel right at home, we equip each private ward with high-definition U.S. television, quality bedding, and high-speed internet connection. And with proper nutrition playing a vital role in cancer recovery, New Hope Unlimited also fulfills the dietary needs of each patient using fresh, organic produce to prepare breakfasts, lunches, snacks, and dinners.

Comfort and cleanliness are also strictly implemented in our medical treatment rooms, which are equipped with the latest medical supplies and technology to provide the highest standard of care and treatment. Our medical center also has an in-house Hyperbaric Chamber, a well-established therapy for decompression sickness, exclusively available for our patients’ use.

Further, New Hope Unlimited has maintained its exceptional partnership with Hospital Migoo, a medical group composed of certified physicians and specialists committed to our patients’ care and well-being.

Stories of New Hope

Life-changing tales of our cancer patients and survivors. Alternative Cancer Treatment Testimonial from Jerome

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1. What is the survival rate for Seminoma?

According to ScienceDirect, the overall five-year survival rate for localized or Stage I seminoma is almost 100 percent. Stage II seminoma also has a favorable outcome with a five-year overall survival of 97 percent, and stage III seminoma still has a good prognosis with a five-year overall survival rate of approximately 85 percent.

2. What specific treatments does New Hope Unlimited offer?

While our treatments vary depending on each patient’s unique cancer case, some of the comprehensive treatments you may receive include Levorotatory Vitamin C Supplementation and Oxidative Therapy to boost your immune system’s ability to fight back against cancer. Click here for more details on the alternative seminoma treatments you may receive.


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