Melanoma Monday was celebrated last May 5 to kickstart the Melanoma Detection and Prevention Month. Groups and organizations from various states have united to advocate against skin cancer, so that people can better understand the disease and discover ways to prevent it. Each year, the first Monday of May is designated as such by the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) to raise people’s awareness of melanoma and other types of skin cancer, as well as to encourage people to perform self-exams for early detection.
The Danger of Melanoma
If you are looking for a holistic cancer treatment for melanoma, then it would be best to learn as much as you can from the disease first, in order to make an informed choice. Skin cancers are named after the types of cells that become malignant or cancerous. Although there are at least three types of skin cancer, which are (1) Melanoma, (2) Basal cell skin cancer, and (3) Squamous cell skin cancer, it is melanoma that is the most common and also the deadliest.
In the United States, one American dies from melanoma every hour (on the average). It is even estimated that this 2014, melanoma will be causing around 9,710 deaths. It is especially prevalent among young adults between the ages of 25 to 29. While melanoma is more common among light or fair-skinned people, everyone is at risk of developing the disease.
If you notice any changes in a particular mole on your body, such as a sudden change in appearance, itchiness, or bleeding, do not hesitate to call a medical professional. In the event that you are diagnosed with melanoma, waste no time in getting a holistic cancer treatment before your condition worsens.
Skin Cancer is Treatable
The good news about skin cancer is that it is treatable, especially when detected during the early stages. There is a 98% chance for a five-year survival rate among people diagnosed with melanoma and treated before the disease could spread to the lymph nodes. This is why you should consider performing regular skin self-exams and sign up for a holistic cancer treatment as soon as a skin cancer is detected.
Fight Cancer through Early Detection
The key to overcoming skin cancer is through early detection. The problem that advocates against skin cancer are facing is that most people lack the information needed to overcome or prevent skin cancer. The truth is that they can be their own detective and look for warning signs that are visible on the skin.
The ABCDE Rule
The ABCDE rule is an excellent guide for properly detecting signs connected to melanoma.
Asymmetry – If half of the mole’s appearance is not the same as the other half, it is a cause for concern.
Border irregularity – Schedule a consultation with a medical professional if the mole’s edges are either notched, blurred, or ragged in appearance.
Color – A mole with various colors in different areas is not a good sign.
Diameter – Most melanomas are greater than six millimeters, which is similar to the size of a typical pencil eraser, although they can also be smaller.
Evolving – Be wary of moles that look different from the rest of the moles in your body, or if a particular mole is constantly changing its color, shape, and size.
Help Spread the Word About Melanoma
The best way to fight all types of cancer, including skin cancer, is to arm people with the right information about these dangerous diseases. You can tell your family and friends about melanoma and other types of skin cancer or you can share this article for them to read. Even the smallest initiatives can go a long way in preventing deaths caused by skin cancer. Put the number of predicted deaths to shame by helping spread knowledge of the disease as soon as you finish reading this post.
AAD encourages individuals, their families, and friends to learn as much as they can about melanoma. They can take AAD’s SPOT Skin Cancer™ quiz or post the infographic from AAD’s website to their social networking accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (see below).
Going the Extra Mile
If you want to see changes on a larger scale, you can do the following to help not only yourself but your community as well:
Encourage your friends, neighbors, and their families to adopt habits that help prevent skin cancer such as wearing protective outfits and glasses, putting on some sunscreen, and limiting the amount of time they spend under the sun.
If you know the teachers in your neighborhood or know somebody who does, suggest that they incorporate teaching their students about skin cancer, how UV radiation is harmful to them, and what they can do for protection.
For a professional skin cancer screening, you can check for nearby centers in your area through AAD’s search tool. Learn about other types of cancers and what holistic cancer treatment can do for someone with cancer by visiting / today.
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