BPA Detox: Safe Ways to Cleanse From Bisphenol A

Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical in many consumer goods and plastic products. It classifies as an Endocrine Disrupting Chemical (EDC), which interferes and prevents natural hormones from binding to their receptors and/or acts as a hormone-mimicking chemical. BPA ingestion may also cause infertility, obesity, diabetes, and certain cancers. Furthermore, studies show that BPA can pass through the skin and enter the bloodstream, as BPA is detectable in over 90 percent of urine samples in the US.

For your family’s protection, it’s important to understand the health risks associated with this chemical.


How BPA Affects Health: Should You Be Worried?

Animal studies have linked BPA exposure to several health problems, including but not limited to heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and behavioral issues in children. Unfortunately, the human endocrine system is particularly vulnerable to BPA, making preventative measures critical for protecting the present and future generations from its dangers.

Despite the FDA’s unconvincing stance that BPA is “safe,” thirteen states have restricted its use. A 2020 JAMA Open study of nearly 4,000 adults revealed that those with higher levels of BPA in their system have a 50 percent greater risk of dying prematurely compared to individuals exhibiting lower concentrations. Although this research does not conclusively prove any direct correlation between BPA and death rates, it is undoubtedly a cause for concern. It calls for further scientific studies to uncover the risks associated with high BPA exposure.

If you’re concerned about BPAs health risks, read on to learn how to cleanse BPA from the body.


How to Remove BPA from Your Body in a Week

To reduce exposure to BPA and cleanse your body from this disease-causing chemical, consider the following:

  1. Acknowledge and Avoid the Main Sources of BPA

As mentioned in our previous article, you can find BPA in food packaging, plastic bottles, canned goods, and even medical equipment. Always look for “BPA-free” labels on products and research the brands of products you buy to identify high-risk items that may contain BPA. In addition:

  • Purchase non-BPA alternatives. Opt for glass, porcelain, or stainless steel containers for storing food and beverages.
  • Avoid microwaving or heating plastic. Russian chemist Aleksandr Dianin discovered that heat could cause BPA to leach into food and beverages. Whenever possible, use glassware or ceramic dishes instead of plastic containers when reheating food in the microwave.
  • Choose natural housewares. Choose wood, bamboo, and other natural materials, which have always been safer alternatives to plastic storage containers, cutting boards, and the like.

Knowing the sources of BPA and taking steps to reduce exposure can protect yourself and your family from the potential health risks associated with this chemical. Making these small changes now rather than later can help ensure a healthier environment in the future.


  1. Drink the Most Potent Beverage for Detoxification: Water

Increasing your water intake may help remove BPA from your body and protect your kidneys and bladder from damage. The United States National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine encourages drinking:

  • 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of water daily for men
  • 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) for women

However, the quality of your drinking water matters, too. Various contaminants, such as chlorine, heavy metals, and bisphenol A, can exist in tap or bottled water. To combat this issue, consider installing an activated charcoal-based filter on your faucet to filter out pollutants. If you must go with pre-bottled options, search for glass bottles free from acidic properties, which could create a cancerous environment within the body if consumed regularly.

Hydrogen-rich water may be an antioxidant with many health advantages, as studies suggest it can decrease serum LDL-cholesterol levels and combat aging, among others. To take advantage of its benefits, consider pre-made hydrogen water or invest in a personal machine for maximum purity.

It’s important to note, however, that while drinking more water is good for you, it does not mean your body can tolerate higher BPA concentrations. Drinking water is not a cure or preventive method against any chemical. It’s also best to consult your doctor before adding hydrogen gas into your drinking water.


  1. Make Your Meals at Home

Eating out or buying pre-packaged foods increases your likelihood of ingesting BPA due to its use in many food containers. As such, you are much less likely to be exposed to BPA when you cook meals from scratch using fresh ingredients.

You can limit your contact with this harmful chemical by making conscious choices regarding food preparation and storage. For example, opting for non-toxic ceramic, glass, wood, and stainless steel containers or cookware over plastic ones (which might be what your favorite fast food joints use to store their produce) can help minimize your BPA exposure.

Eating at home helps reduce BPA exposure and can be an enjoyable activity for the entire family. Try experimenting with different recipes and incorporate your household’s favorite ingredients to create delicious meals that are healthy and safe from contaminants like BPA. For starters, try these 12 Immune-Boosting Smoothies with your family!


Recognize the Most Vulnerable to BPA Toxicity

The health risks associated with BPA may be greater for pregnant women, infants, and young children, so it’s imperative for these groups to reduce their exposure by avoiding main sources, detoxing with water, and eating at home. Taking a few additional steps, such as avoiding canned goods and washing reusable containers by hand, can also go a long way towards minimizing contact with BPA and improving overall health.


Valuable Insights

The more plastic we avoid, the less BPA our bodies will absorb. While it may not always feel possible or easy to eliminate synthetic ingredients and artificial preservatives from our daily lives, small changes can and will make a difference in the long run. Taking time for gradual habit modifications will help us achieve lower levels of toxin intake without feeling overwhelmed with drastic lifestyle overhauls.

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