New Hope Unlimited

Recent Findings in Kidney Cancer Prevention: Risks and Tips

According to the National Cancer Institute, kidney cancer is still one of the top ten most common types of cancer in the United States. In the 90s, scientists observed increasing rates of kidney cancer worldwide. It subsided in the year 2010. However, there has been a recent surge in cases globally. Along with this trend comes the importance of information and knowledge of the established and emerging risks for kidney cancer. This article will compare two studies from 2010 and 2018 to differentiate the recent findings on the suspected risks of renal cancer. At the end of the article, we will also provide tips to prevent the development of kidney cancer in your body.

Kidney and Kidney Cancer: What We Know

The kidneys are our body’s filtration system. They are commonly described as the bean-shaped organs on our lower abdomen. Its role is the filtration of our blood by removing waste called urea. They are also responsible for controlling and adjusting our body’s fluid balance through changes in electrolyte, water, and mineral levels. 

The main cause of cancer in the kidney is still not known among doctors. However, they have all the means to screen and monitor kidney cancer. When doctors suspect that kidney cells are growing uncontrollably and are forming tumors, they can suggest CT Scan, MRI, or Renal Ultrasound to detect the formation of cancer early on. This is to prevent cancer cells from moving to other body organs in a process called metastasis.

Before metastasis, early symptoms of kidney cancer include:

Before the cancer develops, it is important to know why the development of tumors in the kidney even happens. Since the main cause of kidney cancer is still not extensively known, doctors can mostly rely on causal and correlational relationships between risks. Because of this, most studies can only provide established and suspected risks based on research of population data. 

Established Risk Factors for Kidney Cancer

During the stagnation of the kidney cancer cases trend in 2010, a narrative review on the epidemiology and risk factors for kidney cancer presented that these are the established risk factors:

In a newer narrative review in 2018, some suspected risk factors from the 2010 review became established, while newer studies reinforced some of these suspected risks. Here are the updates to the established risk factors for kidney cancer:

Suspected Risk Factors for Kidney Cancer

Even with recent advancements in research and technology, there are still risk factors that lack sufficient evidence for their solid establishment. Here are the suspected risk factors from the 2010 review until the 2018 review:

General Tips in Kidney Cancer Prevention

The recent upward trend in kidney cancer cases around the world is alarming. It is only right for us to keep updated and informed of what to do to prevent this trend. Based on the risk factors above, this is the summary of prevention tips for kidney cancer:

If you or your loved ones are currently battling kidney cancer, our facilities can provide you with the appropriate alternative treatment. Our treatments are completely specialized and personalized for each patient. Protect yourself or your loved ones with us at New Hope. Contact us today.

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