New Hope Unlimited

Fun Ways To Squeeze Quick Workouts Into Your Day

exerciseWhile some people already aim for 20 to 30 minutes of exercise daily, it will be beneficial to squeeze in extra movement whenever you have the opportunity. After all, your muscles have no idea whether you are on your way to the office or at a fancy gym. They’ll get toned as long as you keep working on them.

What’s more, these little things add up and help boost your metabolism. In fact, simply fidgeting can help burn up to 500 calories per day. Taking a minute or less to move your body has some benefits, but it should not replace your regular workouts. When life gets too hectic, use these exercises as a way to add extra fitness all day long.

If you can’t put down your device, at least make the most of your time by doing this simple workout. Press your back flat against the wall and bend your knees to a 45- to 90-degree angle. Hold this “sitting” position for as long as you can.

Do small exercises throughout the day wherever and whenever you can – in your car, in the living room, while you’re sitting in front of the computer, or as you brush your teeth. A stretch and movement here and there will keep the oxygen flowing and shape your muscles. Turn every idle time into an opportunity to move your body. All of those quick workouts will add up to major health benefits.

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