New Hope Unlimited

The Dos and Don’ts of Food Nutrition During Cancer Treatment

Food Nutrition During Cancer TreatmentOptimal nutrition is essential when you’re undergoing treatment so that you have the strength to handle procedures and increase your chances of recovery. Because cancer and some treatments can compromise your immune system, you need to be extra careful with your food intake and handling.

What You May Need to Avoid

Each cancer case is unique, but generally, you may need to avoid certain types of food that may worsen your situation or increase the risk of cancer recurrence or development of a new type of cancer.

Here are some food staples that your doctor may ask you to limit or avoid:

Tips for Eating Healthy During Cancer Treatment

Eating healthy is essential to ensure that you get proper nourishment during cancer treatment, and here are some helpful tips to help you do that:

READ: 12 Foods that May Help Reduce cancer Risk

Proper nutrition is important for cancer patients, and the tips discussed can help with that. But before going on any type of diet during treatment, it’s best to discuss options and requirements with your doctor and nutritionist first. This way, you can understand your situation better and make the right food choices that are suitable for your condition.

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