New Hope Unlimited

Change Your Lifestyle and Avoid Death From Top Five Causes

Female with Healthy Lifestyle

The United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has some good news to share to the American public. According to the CDC, by leading a healthy lifestyle, individuals can lower the chances of dying from any of the top five causes, which are the following:

  1. heart disease
  2. cancer
  3. chronic lower respiratory diseases
  4. cerebrovascular diseases (stroke)
  5. unintentional injuries

This is definitely something worth taking into consideration, as most people tend to slack off in the health department. They are too busy worrying over debts, children’s education, and career that they forget how important a healthy lifestyle is to living a longer life.

As reported by the CDC, even simple changes in one’s lifestyle can reduce death rates significantly. Some of the best ways to stay live longer is through the practices below.

Avoid Smoking Tobacco – Despite regular warnings from both the government and non-profit organizations concerning the dangers of tobacco smoking, there continues to be a large number of people who continue to smoke. What is even more unfortunate is the fact that they are endangering people who are with them while they smoke. Second-hand smoke is far more dangerous to a person than what a smoke normally inhales from a cigarette or tobacco. If you are not using tobacco products, then let it stay that way.

Increase your Daily Physical Activity – It doesn’t have to be rigorous exercise, you can choose to jog, walk, sprint, or do a little bit of everything. As long as you are allocating at least a weekly total of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity, which is similar to brisk walking, or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity, those that make your heart rate and breathing faster, making you sweat.  Any form of physical activity will surely lower health risks. There are tons of activities to choose from, such as tai-chi, yoga, swimming, basketball, badminton, or even martial arts like karate, jiu-jitsu, or wing-chun.

Eat Healthier – Eating healthy is not an option, it is a requirement if you want a long life without illnesses. Most of the nutrition that your body needs to protect itself from bacteria and viruses come from the food that you eat, so choosing the right meals and snacks can go a long way in terms of staying healthy.

Limit Sun and UV Ray Exposure – Skin cancer is quite a common disease among Americans, so try to protect your skin with a hat, sunglasses, and a generous amount of sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. Avoid going out between 10 to 4 pm. Do not rely on indoor tanning to give you a tan, as it is quite damaging to the skin.

Reduce Alcohol Consumption – Stick to no more than two drinks a day and for women, no more than one. If you need to have your daily dose of alcohol, choose a glass of wine, as it has positive effects on the heart.

Protect Your Body From Injury – Wear protective gear such as helmets and pads when riding motorcycles. Wear a seatbelt every time you ride or drive a car, Do not misuse prescription drugs and avoid illegal medications to avoid getting injured.

A Healthy Lifestyle Can Prevent Deaths
CDC’s report indicates that the top five causes of death accounts for about 63% of all reported deaths in people below 80 years of age, annually. That’s about 900,000 lives taken by causes that can be avoided if only people had taken safety precautions and lived healthier lives. In fact, as much as 20 to 40% of these deaths caused by heart disease, cancer, and the rest of the top five causes can be prevented.

This report was published last May 2, 2014 in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report where the death rates from the top five causes in all 50 states were compared from 2008 to 2010.

Better Late Than Never
If you do not have a healthy lifestyle as what the CDC encourages people to have, do not worry. There is always time left to change. Schedule an appointment with a doctor and have a routine medical checkup. Start by being conscious of what you are choosing to eat, hit the park to run or walk for a few minutes. Stay away from health vices, and maintain a positive outlook on life. Once you know what you might potentially lose when you do not take care of your body, everything else will fall into place.

For cancer-related articles and holistic cancer treatment programs, check out today.

Img c/o Pexels.

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