Examining Complementary & Alternative Cancer Treatments Part 6: Pharmacological Treatments

Pharmacological treatments usually take the form of prescription drugs, chemicals, and other substances that have not yet gotten the approval of conventional medicine.

Still considered as fringe oncology, or treatment methods that have unproven benefits and is therefore in the “gray area”, pharmacological treatments are categorized between generally accepted alternatives to mainstream medical treatment and those that are either mainly speculative, utterly questionable, or highly unethical.

Here are some of the drugs, although not yet scientifically proven, that are commonly used to treat cancer:

  • 714-X – This drug contains chemically-modified camphor that is reported to have anticancer activity. 714-X is claimed to supply the body with nitrogen, which has the ability to strip the protective substance of cancerous cells so they can be attacked by the body’s immune system.

  • Antineoplastons – Found normally in the blood and in urine, antineoplastons can also be synthetically produced. Supporters of this therapy claim that these elements are part of the human body’s natural biochemical defenses against diseases.

  • Cancell/Cantron/Protocel – This is a dark liquid composed of common chemicals that, individually, are known to be ineffective against cancer. While it’s exact composition is ever-changing, it is reported to be able to cure all forms of cancer by depriving cancer cells of their ability to receive energy.

  • Cartilage (Bovine and Shark) – Bovine cartilage is extracted from different parts of a cow, mainly from the windpipe, while shark cartilage is taken from the heads and fins of sharks. Supporters claim that these slow down or stop the growth of cancerous cells by strengthening the immune system and preventing the tumor’s blood vessel formation.

  • Hydrazine Sulfate – A chemical that is frequently used in industrial processes, specifically in refining rare metals, making rocket fuel, creating rust-prevention products, and producing insecticides. Surprisingly, it has been known to limit the ability of cancerous cells to obtain and process glucose, which is used to create energy.

  • Laetrile – Laetrile is a chemically-modified version of amygdalin, which is naturally found in peaches, apricots, and almonds. It is deemed as the “perfect” chemotherapeutic agent because it is believed that it can kill cancerous cells without harming normal cells.

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